Introduction In the fast-paced and innovation-driven world of biotech, effective leadership is crucial for maintaining a culture that fosters collaboration, mission-aligned progress, and regulatory adherence. The unique pressures of the industry can give rise to dysfunctional leadership styles that hinder rather than help. Leaders in biotech, who often deal with high financial stakes, regulatory hurdles, … Read More
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Minor Derailers: Are They Just Annoying? In brief encounters with people, minor derailers are either not noticed or mildly irritating. This is why interviewers rarely pick them up. But what happens when they are part of our daily work life? What about their impact on the team? I learned early in my career how toxic … Read More
Minor Derailers: Are They Just Annoying?
I was in my mid-20s, interviewing a candidate to be my assistant. She would be my first, and I had yet to develop my interviewing skills. I welcomed her into my office and asked her the first of a series of prepared questions. She answered the first question and then stared at me sideways. As … Read More
What Happens When I Hire a Coach? An Example of How the Three Stages of Coaching Changed a Man’s Life
Everyone’s coaching experience will differ, but all coaching candidates have one thing in common, an expectation of change. I have observed the overlap of three different coaching approaches, each of which can be useful depending on the candidate’s needs and the nature of their request. These requests fall into three categories: Line-of-Sight Coaching I once … Read More
How Important Is Culture Fit, Really?
In the discovery process of Organizational Development projects, we ask clients to describe the organization’s culture. Most responses are about colleagues’ behaviors. “People here are nice” or “Tends to be cliquey” are typical responses. In almost every case, the initial response relates to cultural toxicity (which could be related to why clients hired us). When … Read More
Whole Person Assessment: Balancing Character Flaws with Strengths
“You are the Grinch of assessments,” teased a fellow corporate psychologist after I shared the new scales we were norming. I smiled and asked her if she was investing six figures a year in someone, would she rather know the derailers or the positives? When we make talent decisions, can we ignore the negative? I … Read More
What a terrible idea it was to start calling behavioral skills “soft”
They are among the hardest skills to develop while being the most crucial for sustainable success. We are in Sean’s office while he laments about his team. In addition to expressions of uncertainty, frustration and disappointment he comments, “My team keeps missing deadlines. Despite my telling them what they need to do, the end product … Read More
How to Get a “Thoroughbred” LinkedIn Profile (C-Suite Execs Take Notice)
With 2020 being the toughest year in recent memory for most, a new LinkedIn Profile might be the furthest thing from your mind as a c-suite leader. To find out why you might be wrong, READ ON. Psynet has put forward a “triple crown” framework of thoroughbred leadership. The three crowns are critical thinking, agility, … Read More
Can You Predict a Winner from Assessing Sales Styles?
(Lesson 6 From 1,000 Assessments) In 1969, Psynet Group was founded primarily on the ability to help companies select sales people. At that time, we used an assessment that measured motivations. Over the years, our assessments have gone through several iterations and refinements and evolved into Psybil®️. As a highly predictive platform for hiring and … Read More