There is no doubt that things are confusing in 2021 as we move through the next phase of the pandemic. Some people work at home, others are back in the office, still others are splitting their time between the two. As a result of the upheaval, we have heard three issues repeated among our clients.
- I don’t always know what I am supposed to do.
“I walk downstairs, turn on my computer, and stare blankly at the screen. I then start answering emails, which takes up most of my morning. ”I think that the people on the other end of those emails don’t know what to do either so they send emails and the cycle never ends.”
Based on Gallup’s 2015 research, only about half of employees strongly agree that they know what is expected of them at work. The pandemic appears to have made this worse.
- My job is shifting from predictable repeatable tasks to projects.
“My job reflects the economy. When things were stable, my job consisted of the same activities every month, now my manager is constantly giving me projects. I would estimate that more than 50 percent of my day is filled with CUARTs.“ (activities with a start and end).
Nearly 80 percent of executives surveyed by Accenture agree that the future of work will be project-based rather than role-based. It is clear that this shift has already started.
- I don’t know the parameters of my authority so I get permission or seek consensus for almost every decision.
“We have two problems here, the first is that most decisions go through the Managing Director. I had to call him last week when he was on vacation to get approval for an $800 software purchase. Second, the rest of the decisions require consensus because no one wants to take responsibility for it. As a result, everyone has veto power.”
We understand how bottlenecks create frustration. The core issue seems to be a lack of trust that fosters the leader’s need to control. Some stop making decisions because their decisions are often overridden while their bosses complain that their direct reports never get the job done.
- Psynet Group has a technology that clarifies job tasks, CUARTs, Decision Making Rights, KPIs, Skills and Knowledge and Role Purpose. If you are not working with Psynet Group, you can piece together RACI, KPIs and Rocks to help employees better understand their roles.
- Implement the Advice Culture that leverages the proximity of the decision-maker to the situation and the input of others who have perspective and are impacted by the decision. As a result, the decision rests in one well-equipped person.
- Use CUARTs to manage one-time tasks and projects. CUARTs are:
- Concise
- Undeniable
- Aligned with the organization’s strategy
- Relevant
- Timebound
Curious about how Psynet Group uses the Role Navigator and decades of insights and experience to accelerate their client’s achievements? Reach out to us at [email protected].
About the Author: Dave Popple, PhD is founder and president of Psynet Group