Coaching has emerged as one of the most powerful tools for personal and professional development, especially in leadership. As with any development method, the effectiveness of coaching depends heavily on the fit between the coach’s style and the client’s needs. This alignment can be the difference between meaningful progress and stagnation in leadership development. This … Read More
Incoherent Leadership – A New Perspective on Leadership Derailers
Incoherent leadership occurs when a leader holds contradicting beliefs and values arising from the presence of two contracting self-states: the true and pseudo-selves. This article describes what incoherent leadership is (and is not), what it looks like, where it comes from, what its impact on an organization can be, and what is required on the … Read More
Stop Competing and Start Collaborating with Technology on People Decisions!
For the past 70 years, science has shown that humans are ineffective at assessing humans, technology alone is worse. The secret is collaboration between the two.
Can You Predict a Winner from Assessing Sales Styles?
(Lesson 6 From 1,000 Assessments) In 1969, Psynet Group was founded primarily on the ability to help companies select sales people. At that time, we used an assessment that measured motivations. Over the years, our assessments have gone through several iterations and refinements and evolved into Psybil®️. As a highly predictive platform for hiring and … Read More
Imposter Syndrome Doesn’t Have to Kill Your Career
(Lesson 5 From 1,000 Assessments) –I sat across from one of the most successful people I have ever met and watched his eyes well up with tears. I had just told him that his assessment revealed that he perceived himself as an imposter. After a few moments of silence, he revealed that he’s been waiting … Read More
Elliott Jaques Was an “Envisionary”
(Lesson 4 From 1,000 Assessments) Dr. Jaques was a Canadian thinker, psychoanalyst, and management consultant who is best known for developing many of the original ideas used in the classification of corporate culture. One major concept centers on his belief that individuals reach a certain professional level based almost exclusively on their ability to cognitively … Read More
The Unconventional Wisdom of Doing Nothing
(Lesson 3 From 1,000 Assessments) The Ultimate Dilemma– Imagine a burning building. As the flames climb, three individuals stand in the street wondering if everyone inside made it out safely, but with all the smoke it’s impossible to tell. The first person, unable to stand idly, rushes into the building looking for potential survivors. The … Read More
A Conscientious Sociopath Will Do Unconscionable Damage
(Lesson 2 From 1,000 Assessments) Stories about the genius sociopath are ubiquitous. So ubiquitous, in fact, that we glorify those who are considered “crazy like a fox” and assume their extreme behaviors are well calculated. In a way, we almost expect the smartest among us to be rule breakers and disregard limits. Therefore, it becomes … Read More
Big Brains Make Big Mistakes
(Lesson 1 From 1,000 Assessments) A shockingly high percentage of our client base has experience hiring someone who almost single handedly derailed their entire organization. Less the result of their own oversight and more accurately a reflection of the common belief that there is no downside to hiring smart people. However, even our most experienced … Read More